Monday, August 3, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
AT&T blocks 4chan
Oh boy! this is going to get real ugly and if I were a AT&T employee or a customer, I would be shitting in my pants right now. They are taking on the wrong kind and it's gonna cost AT&T big unless the moron who did this owns up real fast and apologizes for his/her act, that would mean just his life being taken apart.
P.S: http://timesonline.typepad.com/technology/2009/07/att-takes-on-4chan-everyone-stand-back.html
Update: The war has been called off and AT&T was just saving their bandwidth.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Comic Con!
The "Batman 3" Announcement Slips Out at Comic Con.
It was never a question of whether the 3'rd film would be made but it was more of like when it's going to be made and now thanks to commissioner gordon now we know that it'll be starting next year. Yeah baby! 2012 summer can't come any sooner.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Beyond WTF'ness
Seriously man! Is this even a priority for someone who is the president of a country leave alone being one to country so fucked up as Pakistan but then maybe since he is the President of Pakistan, hence explains this WTF'ness.
I'd love to be the interpol agent who would be given the task of apprehending those foreigners who forward those silly forwards.
P.S: Dammit man that good for nothing ape who is nothing but shitz. Who is looked up as some kind of a god given gift to the cricketing world has some how managed to get a 5-fer, seriously 3'rd time in his whole career and still he is supposed to be a damn good at what he does which if you ask me is another way of pepping up your mediocrity. Anyway after the series is done it'll be a good riddance of him and can't wait to see him get pasted all over the park in IPL, remember a bugger called Nayyar eh! Flinty?
Friday, July 10, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
It's not Skynet silly, thy name is Google
They control the stuff I need on net, as do the means by which I access net and now the mother of all OS too. But still I'm all for this just so that we get a good and a light OS.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Some passing thoughts
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Some Ramblings...
It holds most true of all that fear can hold you prisoner, and hope can set you free. There is too much bad luck flying around, and it has to fall on someone. But the dire-est of the circumstances can be taken care of, with a right attitude towards life.
Keep the bird called 'Hope' flying. Destiny will give in sooner or later. No dream, however big, is unachievable.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Terminator: Salvation
Anyway what is with this summer and big name movies? Al most every movie is turning out to be crap. It is as if everyone in hollywood has suddenly had a brain freeze.
It's really disappointing, specially after a great summer last year where finally the movie makers seem to have found the fine balance between the substance and wow factor. You had great movies like Ironman, Wall-E & The Dark Knight last year while this year you are stuck with Terminator Salvation, Transformers 2 & Ice Age 3 with only the exception being UP, again it's from Pixar and that had to be good. The point being that this summer has been really bad, one of the worst movies wise.
I wanted to write about Terminator Salvation but seriously there is nothing much to write about the movie other than mindless action sequences that never seem to end and to make things worse, one of the worst background scores that I've come across in such an iconic movie for a long time.
It's really not worth watching even on a DVD, better still get the T2:Judgment day and watch it all over again if you feel nostalgic about the series.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Academy has gone bonkers!!
Academy Awards to expand to TEN Best Picture nominees!!
Seriously man al ready the thing is such a drag and with two fold increase it'll only increase the run-time. You gotta love the buffons who come up with these crazy ideas. Still wonder what good is it if the old foggies who cast the vote won't give the mainstream movies their due?The Brangelina industry
Never did care much for this stuff but gotta say that I once had a crush on Jennifer but that has passed long time back. Anyway feel so lazy today so reading anything and everything that comes my way. Pretty interesting peek in to the world of tabloids.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Ignore everybody.
A long read but well worth spending time. Now just if I can get hold of the book in India.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Still puzzling?
Maybe somethings are never meant to be understood.
Monday, June 15, 2009
'Millionth English word' declared
Thank God that it ain't 'Jai ho' or 'Slumdog.'
Team India
Dhoni, mate you are in for hell and the media won't let you easy. In normal times I would have stood by you but you have really run out of excuses with some idiotic calls that you have taken in a couple of games neither has your style of playing like a drunken sailor out of rum really suited this format.
Oh well! DC won, India lost. Sort of balanced so I'm not that bummed as I was during WC 2007. From here on I don't really care who wins the cup but do hope that it is either South Africa or Sri lanka that go on to win it this time.
P.S: It really hurts losing to England of all the teams, losing to any team is fine as long as it's not the queens team. And what do these dick heads do, go and just do that.
P.P.S: Reasons are aplenty for the loss but it doesn't change the result so I'm not big into analyzing but lets just say that 10 wides that bajji bowled or the decision to field on winning the toss or sending Jadeja at 4 when all & sundry know that he is not capable of big hits or even Yuvraj's fielding which was the reason why India gave away 3 extra runs, the margin of loss and many more like how can you get ambushed by the short stuff after the game against WI etc etc... But the cold fact is that India is out of the tournament.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The masterpiece that killed George Orwell
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
MTN would have been a significant acquisition target for many Telecom players as it is present in many developing countries and showing an impressive revenue growth of almost 40%, even higher than Bharti Airtel.
The deal if happens will provide long term benefits to Bharti Airtel as it would be able to ride the emerging market bullishness with the help of MTN, and creat a telecom powerhouse for the economies in making. The overall efficiency of Bharti would come in handy while managing the global behemoth operations and thus taking its India growth story forward to the whole world.
The deal came at right time for Bharti when after recently acquiring its 100 millionth subscriber, it could see that next 100 million customers would be far more difficult for Bharti to bring in.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Oprah Fans Out there..
P.S: Cover story that was published in Newsweek.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Racism in Australia?
While I'm sorry for that dude who is in coma right now but what was he expecting when he threw a brick at them? And coupled with it you were playing some stupid desi music at inanely high volume. World is a rotten place people, and everyone gets mugged no matter who they are if they are stupid enough to leave caution to wind and venture into the no-go areas.
Go easy on the whining and stop going to foreign countries for further studies or better still get our politicians to set-up facilities right here in India so that you can be protected by our own police. Scary ain't it now?
Monday, June 1, 2009
Bing goes live
Just give it a try and see for yourself about what I am getting at.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
About time...
About time they did that, already the beta versions are way ahead of their competition so it makes no sense to have that tag hoovering about.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Fighting paid election coverage: Women Journos Show the way
It's another matter that nothing came out of it or will ever come out of it. At least some one had the balls to do the 'RIGHT' thing.
Monday, May 25, 2009

Freedom Fighter and the said person is all off 39 years? It never ceases to surprise me this family starting with the head-honcho MK.
She was a sub-editor for hindu and then disapeared for a good 2-3 years before coming back into the public as a 'poet' and now supposedly is on the way to become a cabinet minister. It's one helluva ride and dude MK, three wives and still you get all moralistic and crap on others?
Holy Shit
P.S: North Korea Announces 2nd Test of Nuclear Device. And looks like this time it is the real deal. Serves you right biatches.
From the bottom of the table last year, to the top of the pile this year!
Thanks Gilly! You D man of word. Oh yeah! not only have we got something to cheer about this year, we even have the bragging rights of being the champs, no less. All the best for the Champions league in October.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Have Tarantino and his 'Inglourious Basterds' got what it takes?
August 21'st it is then.
P.S: The Weinsteins were once kids here without a ticket. "We were hanging around the stage door, hoping to get in and make our way around to the front," Harvey told me. "An official festival limo pulled up, and Clint Eastwood got out. We probably looked needy. He sized us up, held open the door, and let us in. To this day, we both make it a point to let someone into the Palais."
Maybe I'll be the lucky one in 2015.
Tis' should be interesting
Michael Moore's movie about the economic crisis will unspool during the fall.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Are we true to ourself?
How many people live their life as they want and not give into peer pressure?
One heck of a commencement speech, show our brains people thats' the secret.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Notice the Google Logo Today?

"MISSING LINK" FOUND: New Fossil Links Humans, Lemurs?
Take that you religious nuts.P.S: Interesting back story behind this discovey, do read it here.
“Private treaties” was one of the most innovative revenue schemes thought up by Bennett, Coleman & Co, which publishes the Times of India and other titles. In return for advertising in group publications, Bennett would get equity in the company doing the advertising. The pay-off would come when the equity was offloaded for a profit (with long-term capital gains being free of tax).
If this is not insider trading then what is?
I guess even Hindustan Times is into this business model so can't really go by what MINT says. That leaves Business line, but its' more into presenting news as is than specualting so not much fun there.
Terminator: Salvation
3 stars, not bad I should say and more often than not berardinelli gets it right for these kind of movies. Now waiting for Eberts' review. Keeping my fingers crossed for more than any other movie, this deserves to be this years blockbuster, i.e. before Avatar hits the screens.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Wolfram Alpha
It's pretty cool do check it out.
And here is a query that I tried out and the info was generated pretty quick.
Is it going to be a google killer? I am keeping my fingers crossed because it is still in alpha stage and is pretty limited in scope. And also the small thing of how they will generate revenue based on this model is something which'll tell us a lot about the acceptance from the public at large.
The Years Are Short
This movie can get even the driest of eyes moist, real story.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Satyam may lay off over 12,000 employees
Maybe it'll happen or not, but what they do is completely upto them and I don't want to hear from anyone saying that their families will get effected and crap like that. Agreed losing a job is a hard thing and getting another is even harder but hello India ain't a socialist state any more.
And please for heavens sake companies exist only to make profit, think otherwise maybe it's time for you folks to get a time machine and go back into the glory days of Nehru & Indras' India. You can't have the cake and eat it too folks. If you are willing to embrace the capitalist world then do it completely don't dither, it'll only end up making things much worse.
Seriously if this sort of a thing is what is in store, then the governments that are going to rule both the center and Andhra Pradesh will have a lot on their plates even before the swearing-in-ceremony.
Oh & btw a little birdie tells me that everything is in place for Raju to come out of judicial custody/jail before the end of summer and after that it'll be a very prolonged battle in the courts of law that maybe his great-great-grandson will get to penny up the mistakes of his not so great-great-grandfather.
IPL Semi-finalists
And there are others out there who think so and are backed by science.
Holy Moly
What else do you expect give their house a legal status? Give it a rest al ready. Seriously if you want to help those kids, leave them alone and let them get on with their life.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Take them with a pinch of salt or even otherwise no matter who comes into power, it is a moot point since that ain't going to change anything for you either today, tomorrow or in the distant future.
So I say give a three fingered salute to all those freaking idiots who have ruined your day with all sorts of inane chatter on the idiot box about something which no one really cares in the end.
In the end it's all a joke and no one realizes it till it's too late or it ain't matter any more.
P.S: I'll end this post with something which is amusing & beyond WTF'ness, only pig is one thing but to have it in a zoo enclosure? Ah! the fallacies of religion and it's stupid followers.
Afghanistan's only pig quarantined in flu fear.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Lets see...
Well its just going to be little tid bits about how, what, why & where of my summers'. Read more about it here.
This is strictly going to be a two month affair and will be updated every day for the next 60 days. So make it a point to visit the blog everyday lest you miss out on my exciting life.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
US Troops Proselytizing in Afghanistan
Are they out of their freaking minds? Oh boy! this can't end well the way I see it.
Free Data Recovery Tools
Prediction Time
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
It's bigger, meaner and badder and that's basically what makes me scared, with Michael bay at the helm you wouldn't expect otherwise but that's the whole point. Hoping that this movie, if not better will be on par with the first transformers.
Should be DDD all the way, maybe his lordness Shewag will finally wake up from his slumber.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Prediction time
CSK should have it easy over RR, though what RR did against DDD in the last match.
Monday, April 27, 2009
In the other match, MI should easily put one across KKR.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
100 days
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Prediction time
In the other match, KKR should continue losing.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Ranadeb Bose ?
Who is the mystery blogger?
P.S: Happy b'day Sachin.
Edit: Looks like it's not him, this is like playing 'where in the world is carmen Sandiego.' Who ever it is, has started blogging again and the fun continues. More power to who ever it is, real or fake.
Yahoo!: We will be closing Geocities later this year.
P.S: Oh and btw my webpage is still under construction and now I don't think it'll ever see the light of the day. ;)
A) They want Nobel Prize. If someone wants can get one for micro-finance, why not for Nano-finance?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
IPL-day 5
Monday, April 20, 2009
R.I.P. Sun Microsystems (1982 - 2009)
Every thing Oracle touches turns into crap, hope Java doesn't go that way. IBM loses out once again and now begins the courting of SAP.
Is Indian media in denial on Indian recession?
And is one of the newspapers Hindu? Maybe the rural editor is myopic or am I missing something. Probably N. Ram can cut short his Tibet trips and get his house in order.
Finally we are charging
I think I've now perfected the art of predictions with both of them turning out to be bang on target today. For tomorrow lemme stick my neck out for eem ess dhoni.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Veterans' day out?
Now that my predictions for today's matches turned out to be partly correct lets make this a regular thing for the remainder of the IPL.
Tomorrows' winners will be Deccan chargers and Delhi daredevils.
Must I say, not bad for the oldies to come good and maybe it'll be gillis' day tomorrow.
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Silly season is upon us...
Let me stick my neck out and predict the results for the matches being played tomorrow.
Mumbai shouldn't have much problems in disposing off Chennai and so should Rajasthan prevail over Bangalore, which could go to the wire.
And yeah it'll be Deccan Chargers who would lift the DLF cup come the finals.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Things I will never understand in life
How can someone not like Sachin?
Why is it that everyone thinks they got the raw deal? I mean there should be someone out there who must've got what they wanted but I'm yet to see a person who says so.
Why do we long for winter in summer and vice-versa?
How can you even sit through SRK movies or bollywood movies in general without cringing even once?
Why do we get the burnt Roti, every single time?
How can people not watch sport?
How can people fall for the same old populist schemes every 5 years?
How can a major political party say that they don't want to have anything to do with computers or english, the only two things which give Indians a competitive advantage in the world market and still get away with it?
Why do people find solace in herd mentality?
P.S: List is not exhaustive but I'm exhausted with all the typing so feel free to add your own stuff in the comments or wait for me to update em' some other time when I'm suffering from Insomnia.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Dark Side Of Dubai
An eye opener for all those who keep harping about Dubai. Btw it's a very long read but sure worth your time.
TechM... Heads I win Tails You loose!!!
Satyam fraud hit the India Inc when the global economy was in shambles and ours had caught this bad cold because of their fever. But one's loss is a gain of the other. There are a plethora of those who understand that the best and infact the only way to grow given the current scene is through mergers and acquisitions. Of all, Tech Mahindra grabs the lucrative deal of purchasing a 31 equity in Satyam at Rs 58 a share which is a tenth of pre-fraud-hit satyam share price. The company is betting it can plug the leak, cut the flab and yet make a meal out of Satyam Computer Services.
The actual cost for acquiring Satyam is just the money that has to be paid towards open offer. The fund being used to subscribe to the equity will anyway be with the company itself. With the expected Rs 200 crore profit, it would take about five years for Tech Mahindra to get its entire money back. In fact, it is a low-risk game for Tech Mahindra. Satyam will also bring in non-telecom expertise for the company. TechM plans to finance the deal through debt.
The main challenge for Tech Mahindra is to maintain value proposition to Satyam clients. It needs to iron out conficts of interest. It would be useful to examine how the implicit walk away option can prove so damaging to the current Satyam shareholders and how it can be hugely beneficial to Tech Mahindra. This analysis confirms what has been argued for some time now: the decision to sell a partial controlling stake instead of selling the whole company was not in the interests of the shareholders.
The implied valuation of probably less than six months revenues for the transaction is quite low except for the unknown liabilities of the company in several US class action law suits. It is these unknown liabilities that make the walk away option hugely valuable. What makes walk away feasible is the fact that Satyam’s value is not in the form of tangible assets, but largely in the form of its customers and employees.
Over a period of two to three years, Tech Mahindra which is itself in the same industry could transfer the entire Satyam business to itself. This could be done as new contracts are signed or existing contracts are renewed. Over the same time frame, the employees of Satyam could also be shifted to the Tech Mahindra payroll. Once this process is complete, Satyam would have some cash and other assets and potentially huge liabilities.
The walk away option is that if the liabilities turn out to be larger than the cash and other assets, Tech Mahindra can walk away and put Satyam into bankruptcy. If the liabilities turn out to be small, then Tech Mahindra can merge Satyam into itself and absorb the surplus assets. Option pricing theory teaches us that the more the uncertainty (volatility) the greater the value of this walk away option. Since the uncertainty today is huge, the option is hugely valuable.
The fact there were (as some people put it) only two and a half bids for Satyam suggests that a number of potential bidders who thought that they would never exercise the walk away option (for reputational or other reasons) chose not to bid at all. Without the walk away option, the risks were simply too high.
There are two other reasons why Tech Mahindra would prefer to transfer the Satyam business to itself. First, it owns only 51% of Satyam and therefore earns only 51% of the revenues of Satyam. If the contract is renewed with the parent company itself, it gets 100% of the revenues. Second, Satyam commands a low valuation in terms of price-revenue multiples (less than 0.5 at the bid price) while Tech Mahindra commands a higher valuation (about 1.0). Moreover with the Satyam acquisition, Tech Mahindra would try to position itself in the league of the top tier software companies which command multiples of about twice revenues.
Even if we consider a price to revenue multiple of 1 for the parent and 0.5 for the subsidiary, a dollar of revenues at the parent adds a dollar to the market capitalization, while a dollar of revenue at the subsidiary adds only 0.25 to the parent’s market capitalization. The financial motivation for shifting business to the parent are very high even without the walk away option.
What this means is that while today’s sale is great for the employees and customers of Satyam and for the Indian software industry, it is not so great for the shareholders. They get very little money now (except for the 20% open offer) and might find after three years that they own shares in a shell company that has little or no value.
The shareholders would certainly have preferred a sale of 100% of the company that gives them cash now.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wells Fargo out of Red?
Wells Fargo earnings surprise sends market surging
Stocks surged Thursday to their highest levels in two months after banking giant Wells Fargo & Co. surprised the market with an early profit report that blew past analysts' expectations thanks to a strong increase in its lending business.Wells Fargo says it expects 1st-quarter profit of $3B, easily surpassing expectations
It's be a interesting week ahead with most of the banks coming out with their 1st-quarter results. This ain't a bad start and lets just hope that they have done well too.Things Change
Everyone knows that but they still cling on to their old times and expect that it'll get back to how it was even when they know that it can never be back to what it was. Ah! the optimism, sometimes is a wee bit stifling and doesn't let you grow.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Actually do I believe if things happening all around us are some random sequences of events or if there is a method to this madness? Till yesterday for me, they were all random events with no relation to each other and only by coincidence did some of them fit together but now wonder if they are all a part of big plan, whose plan? I don’t know.
Saw knowing yesterday and this movie in normal times shouldn’t have made any sense to me but the circumstances and the way the movies’ plot is built up makes it very believable that an Omnipotent force or entity does really exist. If this is the case then from here where do we go, will the world end? Basically every religion talks about the end of days, then what? What was the whole purpose of who ever that invisible force is, in creating this world when in the end it’s getting destroyed? Or like in the movie will a select few get to start all over again in some other distant earth like celestial body. But that doesn’t answer the question of why go through the pain of creating something which you know that come the time, will be annihilated.
Coming to the movie, the premise is pretty formulaic once the initial 20-30 minutes is done. Who else but Nicolas cage can make a pretty watchable movie into a boring one with his come-what-may-look like a douche or a guy on the verge of puking his guts out. Seriously, why do they even bother having this guy in movies? Haven’t they learnt their lesson from all those great movies ending up mediocre with his association. There is nothing much to write about other aspects of the movie other than it being your usual end of days movie, where everyone actually dies in the end.
I don’t think there is some invisible force out there playing the puppet master with us but it doesn’t hurt to think that there is one. At least that way you will be in peace with yourself knowing that there is some one out there who knows what he is doing but then if in the end, everything is destroyed what was the whole purpose of letting this go on for such a long time? If you can predict when the world ends, then why wait for it till the last moment and why pick only a handful of people to start it all over again? Why not just transfer instead of starting all over? At least with transferring you have the liberty of watching life go on from where you left, instead of watching the whole thing play out all over again.
You can catch the movie once the DVD is out but don’t expect much from it. It’s one of those movies which makes you think but at the end of the day leaves you with more questions than answers. Well that’s life I guess everyday you end with the questions of yesterday unanswered but still keep going in the hope of finding the answers tomorrow.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Guha breaks the 1 crore barrier.
Tis' crazy, even the more considering the subject which has been beaten to death but tas' how things work.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Chicago Sun-Times files for bankruptcy
Who is it going to be next in line? New York Times or Washington Post?
Monday, March 30, 2009
In the end
Till there I'm with tyler but then he doesn't really tell who we are, does he? Well my take is that all we have that are really ours are our memories and that defines what sort of a life we have lived. Gosh! tis' getting too heavy, lets leave this over here and just live for the moment, and the future, there is nothing that can't be handled while past, nothing can be done. Take care of your present moment and everything falls into place be it your past or present.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Devil is in the details
Godavari the picturesque (for the tourists) and Godavari as money (for those building the dam) are twin realities of today. For the tribal people, it is the same old struggle — land, forests and everyday survival; with Godavari, the lifeline.
This has become a kind of a regular feature every time an irrigation project or a power project is taken up in India. Either they are up against the project for ecological or displacement reasons and one emminent personality went as far as saying that it's better to live in darkness then go this way. Mam, very easy for you to say this since your house is not in some remote pocket where the very survival for day-to-day revolves around the electricity and the amount of water being pumped into the fieldsIs it ok to sacrifice human opportunities to preserve nature and way of living. Obviously, we must protect nature and the usage rights, but when it comes to a choice, the needs of human beings at large, I think, must precede nature. To believe to the contrary is not only elitist but also immoral.
At the end of the day, one way or the other this project will be taken up so instead of fighting it why not try and make a better deal out of it. Pick up from where you left in a new place.
Friday, March 27, 2009
PetreIiance: Elephant plays StRaTeGiC Tiger
The move looks to be a masterstroke but the shareholders' benefits are unclear... RPL's refinery is considered to be more efficient than that of RIL. Concurrent with the market value criteria, the swap ratio turned out to be 16:1, which could have been quite different, had RIL waited for RPL to start production, what would then have been a fair value based on the projected strengths.
Both companies enjoy a tax holiday: RIL's refinery has export oriented unit status till March 2010, but after that there is no clarity. RPL's refinery will have tax-benefits for five years from the first day of commercialisation, anticipated to be sometime in April at the latest. There is another catch for competition in the merger. As a separate entity, RPL would have to make public its refining margins; to the convenience of investors, as they would have been able to compare the margins of RPL vis-a vis RIL, to their advantage. With the merger, there is just one number which it has to publish.
Not having to incur double tax cut on dividents sounds music to investors' though...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
IPL, not in India?
Don't get me wrong and I do agree that conducting the election is of utmost important compared to the frivolous cricket matches. Still you just need a heavy security cover for the polling and counting days, otherwise by and large the security apparatus will be quite free.
Is this something to do with Congress flexing it's muscle to meets it's own ends because only the states that are being ruled by their governments have been at the forefront of creating bottlenecks for the IPL. Whatever the reason, I think the powers that be should be made answerable to why they can't guarantee the security while the election process is on? Because if you go by that logic then the criminals can make a killing while the big brother is away trying to guard our right to vote in a peaceful and safe environment. Like that ever happens, truth be told they play their part in making sure that the government of the day gets an advantage over it's rivals.
Now coming onto the fact that 'Indian' Premiere league will be played in England or South Africa, it just doesn't have the same appeal as it was the last time around. Some how the second season no longer appeals to me any more, lets see if come April 10'th I'll even bother to catch it on television.
Sucks for the Haters
I don't see why people are after her acting skills. She has not gone around claiming that there are lot of hollywood projects in the pipeline waiting for her green signal or even that she is the most sought after 'desi' chica! She even enrolled herself in an acting course, which shows that she is willing to learn unlike others. You go girl!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
The 2009 TIME 100 Finalists
Pretty interesting list with Ratan Tata, Mukesh Ambani & surprise surprise Sonia Gandhi second year running, made it to the list from India. The question is will they make it into the top 100? I doubt that, maybe Indra Noyi stands a chance and that Business consultant Ram Charan might make it and then the whole of desiland can go ga ga over it.
BTW from when did Sonia G start to combat poverty?
Test hundred No.42
P.S: Was watching Sachin make all this happen in front of our eyes, the ultimate answer to our life, universe and everything?
Bonjour people!
Circa in 2009, one of my friends asked me to contribute on his blog which was already on the verge of registering it's 100th post... I instantly identified the latent need... Why? A number of reasons...
A. The request was from someone to whom I d give my right arm when needed..
B. A recognized need to record and share random thoughts
C. To be a physically identifiable entity in the cosmos in the absence of SSN... :P
The owner of the blog has set the standards too high for me to meet n I already find myself looking around and nudging for space... I ll try to be true to 100% effect with watever I divulge to you about my musings.. This post marks the coming of the 100th post . The new year came with a bang, with a message that if your outlook is sunnier, you seemingly have more at stake than just hanging in there. So if you believe there might be light at the end of the tunnel, you will be motivated to persist through these hard times. It does'nt matter if you are naturally cheerful or a worrier, just hang in there.. future is yours... and so do I come with the 'Hope'... :P that I ll be accepted in good spirits...
So, from this day onwards, this blog shall contain everything - useless ramblings, candid confessions, special incidents et al!
Keep visiting and feel free to criticize/appreciate, as you deem fit!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A New Beginning
By now most of the loyal & 'regular' readers of this blog might have got enough perspective from the left side of the spectrum and it is only fair that we get something from the right side too. Starting today, this blog will be a collaborative effort. You'll start getting a wider take on things from Niki. Finally you might actually get to read something substantial and useful stuff rather than my inane rants
What can you expect from Niki? Well lets just say that if Niki is yin, I'm yang and vice-versa. We have different views on a whole range of issues but deep down both of us are the same. Rest assured 'there will be blood,' once we get down to our own flame wars.
Whom am I kidding, Niki is like my master and I the young padawan. So it would be a great disservice to my master if I say we are both equals and like always with my masters association with anything, this blog will be taken to the next level.
With this change, the blog is no longer mine so be nice, lest you face the wrath of Niki. Don't expect any more niceties over here, you play ball, fine. Otherwise you are messing with the wrong kind of person. So don't come back saying that I didn't warn you guys.
And... here…we.....go!
Chiru going places?
But an article in economist, sure is a big thing; that too about a regional party. Or does it tell us about his left leanings, which I am quite surprised that they have been kept at bay, specially with a couple of people in his inner circle.
Jon Stewart gets it right once again
I simply love this man, best talk show ever. Comedy central FTW.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
What have we got here
Can Marijuana Help Rescue California's Economy?
Finally, stop it already with this socialistic crap.
Europe's Economic Stimulus Message: Enough Already!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Padma Shrimati
Abhi is the real Padma Shri, I'm his shrimati: Ash
As usual, rest of the interview is also in the same vein, cute lil romantic musings. Saif-Kareena have started it and these two are hell bent on taking this to a new level altogether. Some how these sort of things work only if there is a large market out there for tabloids but in India this is not the case like say in US or UK. Or maybe this is a precursor of things to come in India, a new age of stupidity and idiocracy of tabloid stars might be starting and I'm bang in the middle of it without even realizing this fact or am I in a denial mode?P.S: Seriously does Padma sri or Padma bushan or 101 other Padma awards even mean anything to the awardees, public or the government? If they don't, why waste precious tax payers money which could be put to better use. If they do, then give to people who really deserve them, lest they mock at the awards like this. But on second thoughts do people who really deserve these kind of awards require or ask for this kind of recognition? That again brings us back to the point that these awards are nothing but a huge wastage of time & resources of the government.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Only person who comes out of this with his reputation intact is Alan Moore, and that he did by not having anything to do with this project. This puts a lot of things into perspective as to why so many directors have backed off from going ahead with this movie. Sure it took a long time in making but may be it would have been better if it was never made into a motion picture.
Ah! one more childhood memory spoilt, don't know why I even bother getting excited about these adaptions even after some many screwups. I guess some blame even lies in me and from now on, no more getting swayed by the hype and getting all worked up like the loser fanboys. That means Terminator Salvation is just another movie coming to the theaters this summer.
Monday, March 9, 2009
That article reminds me of something that happened a few years back, this happened while I was in my second year of under-grad. We were watching Lost world and suddenly this guys gets up and says that the movie is a big tosh. We ask him why he thinks so? He then goes on to say that already a movie by the name Jurrasic park was made based on a novel by Michael Crichton and this movie is taking it up from where the first movie has ended and that he being a big fan of Crichton is offended by the way they have bastardized the masterpiece. All along being ignorant to the fact that even this movie was adapted from a novel written by the same author. From that day onwards we were spared the BS from him.
International Women's Day
Was browsing a forum a couple of hours back and one of the threads that got my attention was, Name your favorite women and believe you me there were the usual answers like Bipasa, Aishwarya & their ilk to even Sonia Gandhi etc.. but it was really disheartening to see that only a couple of them mentioned their mom or sisters as their favorite women. Only thing I can infer from this is that for everyone except that two, women are symbols of sex/pleasure and not revered as done according to the so called "Indian culture." I am generalizing a lot over here but I don't think I'll be far off from my observations even if the sample is taken from a broader population. Alas! the more things change, the same it'll be.
No matter how many days you earmark in the calendar to celebrate or bring out special supplements in the newspapers, you can't really liberate women, if you can't respect them and show them some dignity.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Cotton done. Now onto Brinjal eh!!
And as usual no one is listening.
Hasn't anyone learned from the cotton experience? Ya I'm for the second green revolution but this is surely not the way, better still to keep it the way it is then to poison our lands and destroy the social fabric.
If some one were to ask why free market is a bad idea, all you need to do is say "Monsanto" period.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
M.K. Gandhi was all about not giving a damn to your material possessions but I guess I was wrong or my fellow countrymen have all of a sudden got a collective myopia. And oh the irony of a liquor baron coming to save the day, really if at all God exists & has a sense of humor then this must be it. Will do a detailed post later on this whole saga.
The other day I was watching Sound of music and my my how did I even miss it, the movie was such a big hit only because of one reason and lets see if anyone out there can guess it correctly.
On that note will take leave for now but surely will start blogging more regularly from monday.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
From 'I Have a Dream' to Obama Inauguration
Will Obama walk his talk of change or not is the million dollar question and his inaugural speech today should give us the first taste of what is in store for the Americans and the rest of the world.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Chandni Chowk to China
You can avoid this movie like the plague.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Welcome back
Go for the movie and don't expect it to blow you away like LSASTB, but it does have all those ingredients that we expect of a Guy Ritchies' movie.
Viva la Rohit Sharma
How we fuel Africa's bloodiest war
What is rarely mentioned is the great global heist of Congo's resources
Sierra leone, Rhodesia and the list goes on....Congo is no different and if you think people care how their materialistic gizmos are made or at whose cost then you are all in la la land. Soon after blood diamond came out a lot of my girl friends swore off diamonds & de beers but come the time to get married, they were the first ones to ask for so & so cuts/ makes etc etc. People will react and on an impulse will get all moralistic & stuff but won't follow them up by taking the necessary action for that to happen.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
How much is two plus two?
The European auditors are called in first for the interview.
Next, the American auditors walk in. Again the same question: “How much is two plus two?”
Finally, the Indian auditors walk in.
“How much is two plus two?” asks the chairman.
The Indian auditors gesture the chairman to step out of the interview room for a while.
Outside, they ask him: “How much would you like it to be, Sir?”
Sunday, January 11, 2009
LK Advani bitten by the blog bug.
Interesting first two posts, lets just hope that he doesn't make a fool out of himself like Omar Abdullah or is it a coincidence that the younger Abdullah became the Chief Minister and the grand old man is looking for the same sentiment to work on his side, this being the election year.
From: Jonathan I. Schwartz
To: allsun@sun.com
Subject: Today's Sun/Oracle Announcement
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 04:34:16 -0700 (07:34 EDT)
Today's Sun/Oracle Announcement
This is one of the toughest emails I've ever had to write.
It's also one of the most hopeful about Sun's future in the industry.
For 27 years, Sun has stood for courage, innovation, a willingness to blaze trails, to envision and engineer the future. No matter our ups and downs, we've remained committed to those ideals, and to the R&D that's allowed us to differentiate. We've committed to decade long pursuits, from the evolution of one of the world's most powerful datacenter operating systems, to one of the world's most advanced multi-core microelectronics. We've never walked away from the wholesale reinvention of business models, the redefinition of technology boundaries or the pursuit of new routes to market.
Because of the unparalleled talent at Sun, we've also fueled entire industries with our people and technologies, and fostered extraordinary companies and market successes. Our products and services have driven the discovery of new drugs, transformed social media, and created a better understanding of the world and marketplace around us. All, while we've undergone a near constant transformation in the face of a rapidly changing marketplace and global economy. We've never walked away from a challenge - or an opportunity.
So today we take another step forward in our journey, but along a different path - by announcing that this weekend, our board of directors and I approved the acquisition of Sun Microsystems by the Oracle Corporation for $9.50/share in cash. All members of the board present at the meeting to review the transaction voted for it with enthusiasm, and the transaction stands to utterly transform the marketplace - bringing together two companies with a long history of working together to create a newly unified vision of the future.
Oracle's interest in Sun is very clear - they aspire to help customers simplify the development, deployment and operation of high value business systems, from applications all the way to datacenters. By acquiring Sun, Oracle will be well positioned to help customers solve the most complex technology problems related to running a business.
To me, this proposed acquisition totally redefines the industry, resetting the competitive landscape by creating a company with great reach, expertise and innovation. A combined Oracle/Sun will be capable of cultivating one of the world's most vibrant and far reaching developer communities, accelerating the convergence of storage, networking and computing, and delivering one of the world's most powerful and complete portfolios of business and technical software.
I do not consider the announcement to be the end of the road, not by any stretch of the imagination. I believe this is the first step down a different path, one that takes us and our innovations to an even broader market, one that ensures the ubiquitous role we play in the world around us. The deal was announced today, and, after regulatory review and shareholder approval, will take some months to close - until that close occurs, however, we are a separate company, operating independently. No matter how long it takes, the world changed starting today.
But it's important to note it's not the acquisition that's changing the world - it's the people that fuel both companies. Having spent a considerable amount of time talking to Oracle, let me assure you they are single minded in their focus on the one asset that doesn't appear in our financial statements: our people. That's their highest priority - creating an inviting and compelling environment in which our brightest minds can continue to invent and deliver the future.
Thank you for everything you've done over the years, and for everything you will do in the future to carry the business forward. I'm incredibly proud of this company and what we've accomplished together.
Details will be forthcoming as we work together on the integration planning process.