Sunday, March 15, 2009

A New Beginning

Almost reaching 100 posts in this blog and not only do I have it up & running but also updating it regularly. That is something new for me, usually by two weeks the enthusiasm tapers down and I let that be....that is till the itch starts again and the same cycle is repeated again. But not this time, so yay! for that. A sort of monotony has creeped into my posts and I was wondering what I could do to spice this blog up, easiest way would be to convert it into a picture blog. Not this time though, have done with being immature to an extent that I no longer miss being immature.

By now most of the loyal & 'regular' readers of this blog might have got enough perspective from the left side of the spectrum and it is only fair that we get something from the right side too. Starting today, this blog will be a collaborative effort. You'll start getting a wider take on things from Niki. Finally you might actually get to read something substantial and useful stuff rather than my inane rants

What can you expect from Niki? Well lets just say that if Niki is yin, I'm yang and vice-versa. We have different views on a whole range of issues but deep down both of us are the same. Rest assured 'there will be blood,' once we get down to our own flame wars.

Whom am I kidding, Niki is like my master and I the young padawan. So it would be a great disservice to my master if I say we are both equals and like always with my masters association with anything, this blog will be taken to the next level.

With this change, the blog is no longer mine so be nice, lest you face the wrath of Niki. Don't expect any more niceties over here, you play ball, fine. Otherwise you are messing with the wrong kind of person. So don't come back saying that I didn't warn you guys.

And... here…we.....go!


Anonymous said...

this should be fun

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting..congrats btw. I seriously never thought you would last this long.