Saturday, March 7, 2009


I know have been away for a while and will surely blog regularly after a couple of days but till then will leave a couple of things on which my regular & loyal readers can ponder upon....

M.K. Gandhi was all about not giving a damn to your material possessions but I guess I was wrong or my fellow countrymen have all of a sudden got a collective myopia. And oh the irony of a liquor baron coming to save the day, really if at all God exists & has a sense of humor then this must be it. Will do a detailed post later on this whole saga.

The other day I was watching Sound of music and my my how did I even miss it, the movie was such a big hit only because of one reason and lets see if anyone out there can guess it correctly.

On that note will take leave for now but surely will start blogging more regularly from monday.


Anonymous said...

hehe...he sure does have a twisted sense of humor. And why was the movie so famous? I liked it for the music and of course Julie Andrews.

SaTtY said...

Movie is set in Austria before the WW II, the Captain hates Nazis and then sucessfully gets away from them, showing up the Germans. Now this movie came out in the late 60's so I think this angle played a much bigger role than the music or what not to really make this movie from a normal hit to such a huge massive hit.