Thursday, October 16, 2008


As soon as the topic list was circulated, i quickly scanned the topics and the very first topic on the sheet of paper was about "Who am I" and as soon as I saw that, it got ne thinking as to who really I am and that's not the first time either, but the difference being this time I was determined to come up with a proper answer. But came up with so many answers that rather then answering that simple question, i was left with more questions than answers. At one point I thought I was like Howard Roark, the perfect man but again if I were him, am forgoing my individualism, originality and not recognizing my creativity, which makes me an antithesis of him. I am what I am and no matter how much I try to identity myself with some other living, imaginary or dead person, it still won't answer the question of who I am. While I was doing this, I couldn't help but draw a parallel with the Douglas Adam's series The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, where they try to find out the answer to the ultimate question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. So to answer this ultimate question they specially build a computer called deep thought, and it takes Deep Thought 7½ million years to compute and check the answer, which turns out to be 42. Unfortunately, The Ultimate Question itself is unknown, suggesting that it is more important to ask the right questions than to seek definite answers. So like the reoccurring question of " who is John galt" that keeps popping up constantly in Ayn rand's Atlas shrugged this question of " who I am" will keep haunting me till an opportune moment presents itself and the real me emerges, till then it's best to leave the question unanswered and frankly I myself don't know "who I am"

That's the outline of the speech I prepared for my public speaking exercise.


KC said...

you're an idiot...can't understand why you have to think so hard to figure that out ;)

SaTtY said...

Basically you are jealous of me and stop being juvenile even over here. :P