Thursday, October 30, 2008


One good reason to buy TOI, with which I agree.

Unfortunately, even Laxman’s presence wasn’t enough for me to continue with my daily ritual of passing the paper onto the raddi-wallah after that one brief moment of homage. For a while, I continued to take it because I was rearing kittens — it was absorbent and useful for little misunderstandings during the house-breaking phase. Once the cats became civilised, I stepped aside from that value-chain.

No cats, and still you read TOI, then you need to increase that dosage lest you become completely insane.

Illustrations done by Shridhar of Eenadu then daylight next comes You Said It of R K Laxman.

P.S: People Down Under get to have all the fun. Now need to find out if this event is covered live on some network?

P.P.S: 2008 Batiat Finalists and their entries. FYI, Barton Hinkle won it this year. Maybe within 3-4 years I'll be shortlisted and 5 years down the line I will be a winner. That's the whole plan.

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